Temperature Test Chambers vs. Humidity Chambers: What’s the Difference?
A common question asked in the testing industry is—what is the difference between temperature test chambers and humidity chambers? And how do I know which one I need? This article will guide you through the answers to these questions and help you decide which unit is best for you.
Let’s start with the basics. A test chamber is essentially a climate-controlled cabinet. The enclosed space of the chamber simulates different environmental conditions and tests how different products react in those conditions. By using test chambers, you can measure a product’s reaction to moisture, temperature, salt spray, thermal shock, and nearly endless other environmental variables.
The results of these tests reveal the quality and durability of a product as well as provide valuable testing data by simulating real-world results.
Now for the core question—what’s the difference between temperature chambers and humidity chambers? Let’s start with temperature chambers. Temperature test chambers utilize heat pumps or refrigeration systems to produce different temperature environments. These units are solely focused on temperature and do not measure humidity. These chambers are primarily used for testing temperature extremes in products that are not affected by humid conditions.
On the other hand, humidity chambers—also called humidity stability chambers—focus on both temperature and humidity. They use steam generators and/or air dryers to add and remove moisture and create varying temperature and humidity conditions. These tests reveal the structural integrity of a product. They gauge corrosion warping, cracks, and deficiencies. Data obtained through humidity testing allows engineers to uncover product weaknesses and invent efficient solutions. The humidity range of these chambers can vary between 10% and 100%.
In short, temperature chambers address temperature alone, and humidity chambers address both temperature and humidity. Now to decide which one you should choose.
Now that you know the difference between a temperature chamber and a humidity chamber, how do you know which to choose? The answer will depend largely on your industry and what environmental conditions you want to test. Your product or industry will likely have guidelines and best practices for the type of product you’re testing. But if you’re still unsure what test chamber to choose, ask yourself a few questions:
What is the physical nature of the product I am testing? Where is that product being stored? Is it exposed to humidity or affected by moisture?
Any application needing moisture testing would call for a humidity chamber. However, a temperature chamber is a great place to start if you only need basic data on the temperature ranges a product can handle without a humidity component.
Whatever your testing applications are, test chambers will reveal invaluable data about your product so that it can reach the market in its safest, strongest, most trusted condition.
Corepoint®️ Scientific provides a full range of temperature-controlled equipment to our customers across the clinical, laboratory, and industrial segments. Explore Corepoint™ blood bank refrigerators or visit corepointscientific.com.